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新闻来源:钛龙钛泵 作者:龙亚供水设备 点击数: 更新时间:2021-03-12 09:04:22 收藏此页
型号:CDLF;流量:1-22(m3/h);流速:(l/s);升力:6-232(米);应用领域:上海钛龙CDLF立式多级离心泵采用先进技术制造。上海龙亚泵阀生产的VAREM-CDLF系列不锈钢立式多级离心泵是一种非自吸离心泵,由QDL(QDLF)改进而来,优化了机械密封结构,采用了一套新颖的独立结构,可将自来水中的各种介质输送到工业液体中,适用于不同的温度、流量和压力范围。它最大的优点是先进的水力模型设计,高效节能。水泵中的叶轮、泵壳及其主要附件均采用不锈钢冲压成型,流道非常通畅。轴瓦和轴套采用硬质合金制成,使用寿命长,避免二次污染。轴封采用耐磨机械密封,无泄漏。电机采用Y2铅壳,进口轴承,绝缘等级:F级。泵运行稳定,噪音低,质量可靠,外形美观,体积小,重量轻,运输方便。是一种理想的绿色环保节能泵。CDLF立式多级离心泵的示范意义:CDLF立式多级离心泵的产品特点:1 .CDLF立式多级离心泵采用优良的水力模型和先进的制造技术,大大提高了泵的性能和使用寿命。2.由于CDLF多级离心泵的轴封采用硬质合金和氟橡胶制成,可以提高泵运行的可靠性和输送介质的温度。3.CDLF立式多级离心泵的溢流部分采用不锈钢板冲压焊接而成,适用于轻度腐蚀介质。4.CDLF立式多级离心泵整体结构紧凑、体积小、重量轻、噪音低、节能效果显著、维修方便。5.CDLF立式多级离心泵的进出口位于泵座的同一水平线上,可直接在管道中使用。6.ZILMET-CDLF多级离心泵采用标准电机,用户可根据需要方便地配备电机。7.可根据用户需要配备智能保护器,有效保护泵免于空转、缺相和过载。CDLF立式多级离心泵的运行条件:稀薄、清洁、不可燃、不含固体颗粒或纤维的爆炸性液体。液体温度:常温型-15℃至+70℃;热水型+70℃至+120℃;环境温度:最高+40℃;海拔:最高1000米。CDLF立式多级离心泵的性能范围:流量:1-22 m3/h;头部:6-232米;功率:0.37-15kw;转速:2900转/分钟;直径:φ25-φ50;温度范围:-15℃-+120℃;CDLF立式多级离心泵的应用:供水:水厂过滤输送、水厂分区供水、主管加压、高层建筑加压。工业加压:工艺水系统、清洗系统、高压冲洗系统和消防系统。工业液体输送:制冷空调系统、锅炉给水及冷凝系统、机床配套、酸碱介质输送。水处理:超滤系统、反渗透系统、蒸馏系统、分离器、游泳池水处理系统。灌溉:农田灌溉、喷灌、滴灌。CDLF立式多级离心泵型号谱:钛龙CDLF立式多级离心泵安装:1。CDLF立式不锈钢多级离心泵应垂直安装在地面上,安装时应有足够的冷空气进入电机冷却风扇。泵底部的箭头指示通过泵的灌注方向。2.为了尽量减少泵可能产生的噪音,最好在泵的两侧以及基础和泵体之间安装防振夹具。对接法兰、垫圈、螺栓和PJE池作为辅助零件提供,必须单独订购。当需要清洗、修理或更换泵时,应在泵的两侧安装隔离阀,以防止系统排水。多级离心泵的安装管道应避免空气堵塞,尤其是泵的吸入侧。管道的安装应确保温度变化引起的任何拉伸不会影响泵。如果泵安装在长管道上,应在图纸的前后适当支撑。3.如果多级离心泵有被石头、树叶、小树枝等堵塞的危险。应该采取措施防止这种事情发生。将滤网安装在吸入管上。4.在某些安装情况下,排水管已经被泵水平安装或向下倾斜,因此泵中的水将会或必须定期流出,并且应保护泵不使叶轮空转。这种情况可以通过在泵附近安装带有真空阀的坏管来避免。回路的最高点应至少与泵电机的连接板齐平。这样,排水管可以单独从泵中排水,反之亦然。5.当排水阀关闭时,禁止运行泵,因为这会导致泵内温度升高/蒸汽形成,从而导致泵的损坏。如果排水室关闭时对泵的运行有任何危险,用旁通管或排水管将其连接到出口,以确保最小量的液体流过泵。例如,排水管可以连接到水箱。6.VAREM-CDL和CDLF轻型多级泵的最小数量。CDLF立式多级离心泵示例:典型高压冲洗系统图示例。如图所示的这种安装方法用于那些不能保证通过泵的“最小流量”的场合。1.轻型多级离心泵的流量开关会在流量太小时保护泵不被高热损坏。2.在输送微污染水的装置中,安装了轻型多级离心泵的过滤网,以保护液流开关。注:上述措施在液体流量稳定、流量最小的装置中是不必要的。在有水锤危险的设备中,必须在泵的出口处安装止回阀。不要使用快关阀,如快关喷枪,因为这种喷枪会造成水锤。影响电机与泵轴的连接,严重时泵轴会断裂。CDLF立式多级离心泵的电气连接:1。在打开接线盒盖和移除任何泵部件之前,必须关闭电源。电气连接必须由合格的电工按照当地法规进行。电机接线盒必须与电源开关正确连接。铭牌上标明了工作电压和频率。注意所用电源应适合电机。三相电机必须连接到仅具有保护功能的启动器上。2.轻型多级离心泵的接线盒可依次转90°,四个位置直停。必要时,使用螺丝刀拆下联轴器护罩,但不要拆下联轴器。拧下将电机固定到泵上的螺栓。将电机转到所需位置。装上螺栓并拧紧。重新安装联轴器护罩,使其垂直位于泵头槽口的中心。电气连接应根据接线盒盖中的接线图进行。注意:在轻型多级离心泵充满液体之前,不要启动它。CDLF立式多级离心泵启动:1。当轻型多级离心泵的液位高于泵入口处的闭式系统或开式系统时:1。关闭排水隔离阀,拧下泵头上的排气螺钉。2.请注意排气口的方向,确保流出的水不会对人造成伤害或损坏电机或其他部件。在热水装置中,应特别注意热水造成的烫伤危险。3.慢慢打开吸入管上的隔离阀,直到稳定的气流流出排气阀。4.启动轻型多级离心泵时,拧紧排气螺钉并完全打开隔离阀。2.当轻型多级离心泵的液位低于泵进口开放系统时:1。启动泵之前,吸入管和泵必须充满液体并排空。2.CDL2,4(CDLF2,4,8,16) 3。关闭排水隔离阀。如图7所示,逆着挡块稍微转动旁通阀。4.拆下加注塞,从加注口加注液体,直到吸入管和泵完全充满液体,然后重新拧紧旁通阀。5.启动轻型多级离心泵时,更换加注塞并拧紧。3.启动轻型多级离心泵时检查旋转方向:1、在轻型多级离心泵充满液体之前,不要启动泵来检查旋转方向。2.检查电机运行方向时,不应拆开联轴器进行检查。因为拆下联轴器时,需要调整轴的位置。正确的旋转方向由泵头或电机风扇盖上的箭头指示。从风扇上看,轻型多级离心泵应该逆时针旋转。4.轻型立式多级泵的启动:1。启动轻型多级离心泵前,泵吸入侧的隔离阀应完全打开,而排出侧的隔离阀应几乎关闭。2.当启动轻型多级离心泵时,通过拧下泵头上的排气螺钉让泵排气,直到稳定的液流从排气孔流出,然后拧紧排气螺钉。注意排气孔的方向,确保流动的液体不会对人造成伤害或损坏电机或其他部件。在热水装置中,应特别注意热水造成的烫伤危险。当管道系统充满液体时,慢慢打开隔离阀,直到完全打开。泵泵含空气的液体时,最好定期排气。要排空泵,请在操作过程中松开泵头上的排气螺钉。CDLF立式多级离心泵的维护、启停频率:CDLF立式不锈钢多级离心泵的维护:1。在立式多级离心泵开始工作之前,必须查明泵没有电源,泵不能突然启动。2.轻型多级离心泵的轴承和轴封无需维护。如果长时间不需要排空泵,可以取下一个联轴器保护板,在泵头和联轴器之间的轴上注入几滴硅油。这样,可以防止轴的密封面粘连。3.安装联轴器护罩时,注意它们在泵头槽口中的垂直对准。CDLF立式不锈钢多级离心泵电机轴承:4。没有润滑喷嘴的电机不需要维护。带润滑喷嘴的电机应使用高温锂基润滑脂润滑。5.如果ZILMET轻型多级离心泵长期悬挂,建议泵和电机一旦搁置,就进行清洗和润滑。6.当泵在霜冻期间被搁置时,水应该被排出以防止损坏和破裂。拧下泵头上的排气螺钉,取下底座上的放油塞,这样就可以将泵排空。排水后,应将卸载的零件重新安装到位或妥善保管。上海钛龙CDLF立式不锈钢多级离心泵的启停频率:功率小于4KW的电机,启动频率不得超过每小时100次。其他电机的启动速度不得超过每小时20次。上海龙亚泵阀品牌服务承诺:在质量保证期内对缺陷产品进行修理、更换和退货;所有质量投诉应在24小时内得到答复。应派遣服务人员离开现场,不排除故障或做出结论。本厂生产的配件均为原装配件。我厂生产的产品及配件具有通用性,与原厂型号兼容。如有安装尺寸和质量问题,我们将无条件退换,所有设备终身服务!(整机保修一年,易损件除外)。全国各地区售后部门联系方式:400-001-5655。
Application of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump and analysis of the reason for excessive power consumption
Model: CDLF; flow rate: 1-22 (m3/h); flow rate: (l/s); lift: 6-232 (m); application field: Shanghai titanon CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump is manufactured by advanced technology. The varm CDLF series stainless steel vertical multistage centrifugal pump produced by Shanghai Longya pump valve is a non self-priming centrifugal pump. It is improved by QDL (qdlf), and the mechanical seal structure is optimized. A new independent structure is adopted, which can transfer all kinds of media in tap water to industrial liquid body, which is suitable for different temperature, flow and pressure range. Its biggest advantage is advanced hydraulic model design, high efficiency and energy saving. The impeller, casing and main accessories in the pump are all made of stainless steel, and the flow path is very smooth. The bearing shells and sleeves are made of cemented carbide, which has a long service life and avoids secondary pollution. The shaft seal is wear-resistant mechanical seal, without leakage. Y2 lead shell, imported bearing, insulation grade F is adopted for the motor. The pump is stable in operation, low in noise, reliable in quality, beautiful in appearance, small in volume, light in weight and convenient in transportation. It is an ideal green and environmental protection energy-saving pump. The demonstration significance of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump: the product characteristics of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump: 1. The CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump adopts excellent hydraulic model and advanced manufacturing technology, which greatly improves the performance and service life of the pump. 2. because the shaft seal of CDLF multistage centrifugal pump is made of cemented carbide and fluororubber, the reliability of pump operation and the temperature of the conveying medium can be improved. 3. The overflow part of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump is made of stainless steel plate stamping welding, which is suitable for mild corrosion medium. 4. The CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump has compact structure, small volume, light weight, low noise, remarkable energy saving effect and convenient maintenance. 5. The inlet and outlet of CDLF centrifugal pump is located on the same horizontal line of pump base, and can be directly used in the pipeline. 6. Zilmet CDLF multi-stage centrifugal pump adopts standard motor, and the user can easily equip the motor according to the needs. 7. intelligent protector can be equipped according to the needs of users, effectively protecting the pump from idling, phase shortage and overload. The operation conditions of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump: thin, clean, non combustible, explosive liquid without solid particles or fibers. Liquid temperature: normal temperature type - 15 ℃ to +70 ℃; hot water type +70 ℃ to +120 ℃; environment temperature: maximum +40 ℃; altitude: up to 1000m. The performance range of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump: flow: 1-22 m3/h; head: 6-232 m; power: 0.37-15kw; speed: 2900 rpm; diameter: φ 25- φ 50; temperature range: 15 ℃ - +120 ℃; application of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump: water supply: water plant filtration and transportation, water plant partition water supply, main pipe pressure, high-rise building pressure. Industrial pressure: process water system, cleaning system, high pressure flushing system and fire fighting system. Industrial liquid transportation: refrigeration air conditioning system, boiler water supply and condensation system, machine tool supporting, acid-base medium transportation. Water treatment: ultrafiltration system, reverse osmosis system, distillation system, separator, swimming pool water treatment system. Irrigation: farmland irrigation, spray irrigation, drip irrigation. Model spectrum of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump: installation of vertical multi-stage centrifugal pump of illon CDLF: 1. CDLF vertical stainless steel multistage centrifugal pump shall be installed vertically on the ground, and enough cold air shall be installed to enter the motor cooling fan. The arrow at the bottom of the pump indicates the direction of filling through the pump. 2. in order to minimize the noise that may be generated by the pump, it is better to install anti vibration clamps on both sides of the pump and between the foundation and the pump body. Butt flange, washer, bolt and pje pool are supplied as auxiliary parts and must be ordered separately. When cleaning, repairing or replacing the pump is required, isolation valves shall be installed on both sides of the pump to prevent drainage of the system. The installation pipeline of multistage centrifugal pump shall avoid air blockage, especially on the suction side of the pump. The piping shall be installed so that any tension caused by temperature changes does not affect the pump. If the pump is installed on long pipes, it shall be properly supported at the front and back of the drawings. 3. if the multistage centrifugal pump is blocked by stones, leaves, twigs and other trees. Measures should be taken to prevent such things from happening. Install the screen on the suction pipe. 4. in some installation cases, the drain pipe has been installed horizontally or tilted downward by the pump, so the water in the pump will or must flow out regularly, and the pump shall be protected from idling the impeller. This can be avoided by installing a bad pipe with a vacuum valve near the pump. The highest point of the circuit shall be at least flush with the connecting plate of the pump motor. In this way, the drain can be drained from the pump alone and vice versa. 5. when the drain valve is closed, it is forbidden to operate the pump because it will cause temperature rise / steam formation in the pump, which will cause damage to the pump. If there is any danger to the operation of the pump when the drain chamber is closed, connect it to the outlet with a bypass or drain to ensure that the minimum amount of liquid flows through the pump. For example, the drain can be connected to the water tank. 6. minimum number of Walem CDL and CDLF light multistage pumps. Example of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump: typical high pressure flushing system diagram example. This installation method shown in the figure is used in cases where "minimum flow" through the pump cannot be guaranteed. 1. the flow switch of light multistage centrifugal pump will protect the pump from high heat damage when the flow is too small. 2. in the device of transporting slightly polluted water, a filter screen of light multistage centrifugal pump is installed to protect the liquid flow switch. Note: the above measures are unnecessary in the device with stable liquid flow and minimum flow. In equipment with water hammer danger, check valve must be installed at the outlet of pump. Do not use quick closing valves, such as quick closing of the gun, as this spray gun will cause water hammer. The connection between motor and pump shaft is affected, and the pump shaft will break when serious. Electrical connection of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump: 1. The power must be turned off before opening the terminal box cover and removing any pump components. Electrical connections must be made by qualified electricians in accordance with local regulations. The motor junction box must be connected correctly to the power switch. The working voltage and frequency are indicated on the nameplate. Note that the power supply used shall be suitable for the motor. The three-phase motor must be connected to the starter with protection only. 2. the junction box of light multi-stage centrifugal pump can turn 90 ° in turn and stop at four positions. If necessary, use a screwdriver to remove the coupling guard, but do not remove the coupling. Remove the bolts that secure the motor to the pump. Turn the motor to the desired position. Install the bolts and tighten them. Refit the coupling guard so that it is perpendicular to the center of the pump head notch. Electrical connections shall be made according to the wiring diagrams in the terminal box cover. Note: do not start a light multistage centrifugal pump until it is filled with liquid. CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump start: 1. When the liquid level of light multistage centrifugal pump is higher than that of closed system or open system at the pump inlet: 1. Close the drain isolation valve and screw off the exhaust screw on the pump head. 2. please pay attention to the direction of exhaust port, and ensure that the water flowing out will not harm or damage the motor or other parts. In hot water installation, special attention should be paid to the scald risk caused by hot water. 3. slowly open the isolation valve on the suction pipe until the stable air flow flows out of the exhaust valve. 4. when starting the light multistage centrifugal pump, tighten the exhaust screw and fully open the isolation valve. 2. when the liquid level of light multistage centrifugal pump is lower than that of the pump inlet open system: 1. Before starting the pump, the suction pipes and pumps must be filled with liquid and drained. 2.CDL2,4(CDLF2,4,8,16) 3。 Close the drain isolation valve. As shown in Figure 7, turn the bypass valve slightly against the stop. 4. remove the filler plug, fill the liquid from the filler until the suction pipe and pump are fully filled with liquid, and then retighten the bypass valve. 5. when starting the light multi-stage centrifugal pump, replace the filling plug and tighten it. 3. check the rotation direction when starting the light multistage centrifugal pump: 1. Do not start the pump to check the direction of rotation until the light multistage centrifugal pump is filled with liquid. 2. when checking the motor running direction, the coupling shall not be disassembled for inspection. Because when the coupling is removed, the position of the shaft needs to be adjusted. The correct direction of rotation is indicated by the arrow on the pump head or motor fan cover. From the fan, the light multistage centrifugal pump should be turned counter clockwise. 4. start of light vertical multistage pump: 1. Before starting the light multistage centrifugal pump, the isolation valve on the suction side of the pump shall be fully opened, and the isolation valve on the discharge side shall be almost closed. 2. when starting the light multistage centrifugal pump, the pump shall be discharged by unscrewing the exhaust screw on the pump head until the stable liquid flow flows out of the exhaust hole, and then tighten the exhaust screw. Pay attention to the direction of the exhaust hole to ensure that the flowing liquid will not harm or damage the motor or other parts to the person. In hot water installation, special attention should be paid to the scald risk caused by hot water. When the piping system is filled with liquid, slowly open the isolation valve until it is fully open. When the pump contains air liquid, it is better to exhaust regularly. To drain the pump, loosen the exhaust screw on the pump head during operation. Maintenance and start-up frequency of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump: maintenance of CDLF vertical stainless steel multistage centrifugal pump: 1. Before the vertical multistage centrifugal pump starts to work, it must be found that the pump has no power supply and the pump cannot start suddenly. 2. the bearing and shaft seal of light multi-stage centrifugal pump need not be maintained. If the pump does not need to be drained for a long time, a coupling protection plate can be removed and a few drops of silicone oil can be injected into the shaft between the pump head and the coupling. This prevents the sealing surface of the shaft from sticking. 3. when installing coupling guard, pay attention to their vertical alignment in the pump head slot. Motor bearing of CDLF vertical stainless steel multistage centrifugal pump: 4. Motors without lubrication nozzles do not need maintenance. Motors with lubricating nozzles shall be lubricated with high temperature lithium grease. 5. if zilmet light multi-stage centrifugal pump is suspended for a long time, it is recommended that the pump and motor should be cleaned and lubricated once they are put into use. 6. when the pump is put in use during frost, water should be discharged to prevent damage and rupture. Remove the drain plug on the base by unscrewing the exhaust screw on the pump head, so that the pump can be drained. After drainage, the unloaded parts shall be reinstalled in place or properly kept. Start and stop frequency of Shanghai titanon CDLF vertical stainless steel multistage centrifugal pump: motor with power less than 4kw, and starting frequency shall not exceed 100 times per hour. Other motors shall not be started at a speed of more than 20 times per hour. Shanghai Longya pump valve brand service commitment: repair, replace and return the defective products within the warranty period; all quality complaints should be answered within 24 hours. Service personnel shall be dispatched to leave the site without troubleshooting or making conclusions. The accessories produced by our factory are original ones. Our products and accessories are universal and compatible with the original model. If there are installation size and quality problems, we will return unconditionally, all equipment life-long service! (the whole machine is guaranteed for one year, except for wearing parts). Contact information of after sales departments in various regions of the country: 400-001-5655.
Well, the above is the introduction of the application of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump. Next, let's talk about several main reasons for the excessive power consumption of CDLF pump:
What is the reason why the water pump consumes too much electricity? The analysis mainly includes the following six points: 1) the total head does not match the pump head; 2) the density and viscosity of the medium are inconsistent with the original design; 3) the pump shaft is inconsistent with or bent with the original motor axis; 4) friction exists between the rotating part and the fixed part; 5) the impeller mouth ring is worn; 6) the seal or mechanical seal is not installed properly. OK, the above is the application of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump. Please contact Shanghai Longya multi-stage centrifugal pump operator for more introduction and price.


新闻来源:钛龙钛泵 作者:龙亚供水设备 点击数: 更新时间:2021-03-12 09:04:22 收藏此页
型号:CDLF;流量:1-22(m3/h);流速:(l/s);升力:6-232(米);应用领域:上海钛龙CDLF立式多级离心泵采用先进技术制造。上海龙亚泵阀生产的VAREM-CDLF系列不锈钢立式多级离心泵是一种非自吸离心泵,由QDL(QDLF)改进而来,优化了机械密封结构,采用了一套新颖的独立结构,可将自来水中的各种介质输送到工业液体中,适用于不同的温度、流量和压力范围。它最大的优点是先进的水力模型设计,高效节能。水泵中的叶轮、泵壳及其主要附件均采用不锈钢冲压成型,流道非常通畅。轴瓦和轴套采用硬质合金制成,使用寿命长,避免二次污染。轴封采用耐磨机械密封,无泄漏。电机采用Y2铅壳,进口轴承,绝缘等级:F级。泵运行稳定,噪音低,质量可靠,外形美观,体积小,重量轻,运输方便。是一种理想的绿色环保节能泵。CDLF立式多级离心泵的示范意义:CDLF立式多级离心泵的产品特点:1 .CDLF立式多级离心泵采用优良的水力模型和先进的制造技术,大大提高了泵的性能和使用寿命。2.由于CDLF多级离心泵的轴封采用硬质合金和氟橡胶制成,可以提高泵运行的可靠性和输送介质的温度。3.CDLF立式多级离心泵的溢流部分采用不锈钢板冲压焊接而成,适用于轻度腐蚀介质。4.CDLF立式多级离心泵整体结构紧凑、体积小、重量轻、噪音低、节能效果显著、维修方便。5.CDLF立式多级离心泵的进出口位于泵座的同一水平线上,可直接在管道中使用。6.ZILMET-CDLF多级离心泵采用标准电机,用户可根据需要方便地配备电机。7.可根据用户需要配备智能保护器,有效保护泵免于空转、缺相和过载。CDLF立式多级离心泵的运行条件:稀薄、清洁、不可燃、不含固体颗粒或纤维的爆炸性液体。液体温度:常温型-15℃至+70℃;热水型+70℃至+120℃;环境温度:最高+40℃;海拔:最高1000米。CDLF立式多级离心泵的性能范围:流量:1-22 m3/h;头部:6-232米;功率:0.37-15kw;转速:2900转/分钟;直径:φ25-φ50;温度范围:-15℃-+120℃;CDLF立式多级离心泵的应用:供水:水厂过滤输送、水厂分区供水、主管加压、高层建筑加压。工业加压:工艺水系统、清洗系统、高压冲洗系统和消防系统。工业液体输送:制冷空调系统、锅炉给水及冷凝系统、机床配套、酸碱介质输送。水处理:超滤系统、反渗透系统、蒸馏系统、分离器、游泳池水处理系统。灌溉:农田灌溉、喷灌、滴灌。CDLF立式多级离心泵型号谱:钛龙CDLF立式多级离心泵安装:1。CDLF立式不锈钢多级离心泵应垂直安装在地面上,安装时应有足够的冷空气进入电机冷却风扇。泵底部的箭头指示通过泵的灌注方向。2.为了尽量减少泵可能产生的噪音,最好在泵的两侧以及基础和泵体之间安装防振夹具。对接法兰、垫圈、螺栓和PJE池作为辅助零件提供,必须单独订购。当需要清洗、修理或更换泵时,应在泵的两侧安装隔离阀,以防止系统排水。多级离心泵的安装管道应避免空气堵塞,尤其是泵的吸入侧。管道的安装应确保温度变化引起的任何拉伸不会影响泵。如果泵安装在长管道上,应在图纸的前后适当支撑。3.如果多级离心泵有被石头、树叶、小树枝等堵塞的危险。应该采取措施防止这种事情发生。将滤网安装在吸入管上。4.在某些安装情况下,排水管已经被泵水平安装或向下倾斜,因此泵中的水将会或必须定期流出,并且应保护泵不使叶轮空转。这种情况可以通过在泵附近安装带有真空阀的坏管来避免。回路的最高点应至少与泵电机的连接板齐平。这样,排水管可以单独从泵中排水,反之亦然。5.当排水阀关闭时,禁止运行泵,因为这会导致泵内温度升高/蒸汽形成,从而导致泵的损坏。如果排水室关闭时对泵的运行有任何危险,用旁通管或排水管将其连接到出口,以确保最小量的液体流过泵。例如,排水管可以连接到水箱。6.VAREM-CDL和CDLF轻型多级泵的最小数量。CDLF立式多级离心泵示例:典型高压冲洗系统图示例。如图所示的这种安装方法用于那些不能保证通过泵的“最小流量”的场合。1.轻型多级离心泵的流量开关会在流量太小时保护泵不被高热损坏。2.在输送微污染水的装置中,安装了轻型多级离心泵的过滤网,以保护液流开关。注:上述措施在液体流量稳定、流量最小的装置中是不必要的。在有水锤危险的设备中,必须在泵的出口处安装止回阀。不要使用快关阀,如快关喷枪,因为这种喷枪会造成水锤。影响电机与泵轴的连接,严重时泵轴会断裂。CDLF立式多级离心泵的电气连接:1。在打开接线盒盖和移除任何泵部件之前,必须关闭电源。电气连接必须由合格的电工按照当地法规进行。电机接线盒必须与电源开关正确连接。铭牌上标明了工作电压和频率。注意所用电源应适合电机。三相电机必须连接到仅具有保护功能的启动器上。2.轻型多级离心泵的接线盒可依次转90°,四个位置直停。必要时,使用螺丝刀拆下联轴器护罩,但不要拆下联轴器。拧下将电机固定到泵上的螺栓。将电机转到所需位置。装上螺栓并拧紧。重新安装联轴器护罩,使其垂直位于泵头槽口的中心。电气连接应根据接线盒盖中的接线图进行。注意:在轻型多级离心泵充满液体之前,不要启动它。CDLF立式多级离心泵启动:1。当轻型多级离心泵的液位高于泵入口处的闭式系统或开式系统时:1。关闭排水隔离阀,拧下泵头上的排气螺钉。2.请注意排气口的方向,确保流出的水不会对人造成伤害或损坏电机或其他部件。在热水装置中,应特别注意热水造成的烫伤危险。3.慢慢打开吸入管上的隔离阀,直到稳定的气流流出排气阀。4.启动轻型多级离心泵时,拧紧排气螺钉并完全打开隔离阀。2.当轻型多级离心泵的液位低于泵进口开放系统时:1。启动泵之前,吸入管和泵必须充满液体并排空。2.CDL2,4(CDLF2,4,8,16) 3。关闭排水隔离阀。如图7所示,逆着挡块稍微转动旁通阀。4.拆下加注塞,从加注口加注液体,直到吸入管和泵完全充满液体,然后重新拧紧旁通阀。5.启动轻型多级离心泵时,更换加注塞并拧紧。3.启动轻型多级离心泵时检查旋转方向:1、在轻型多级离心泵充满液体之前,不要启动泵来检查旋转方向。2.检查电机运行方向时,不应拆开联轴器进行检查。因为拆下联轴器时,需要调整轴的位置。正确的旋转方向由泵头或电机风扇盖上的箭头指示。从风扇上看,轻型多级离心泵应该逆时针旋转。4.轻型立式多级泵的启动:1。启动轻型多级离心泵前,泵吸入侧的隔离阀应完全打开,而排出侧的隔离阀应几乎关闭。2.当启动轻型多级离心泵时,通过拧下泵头上的排气螺钉让泵排气,直到稳定的液流从排气孔流出,然后拧紧排气螺钉。注意排气孔的方向,确保流动的液体不会对人造成伤害或损坏电机或其他部件。在热水装置中,应特别注意热水造成的烫伤危险。当管道系统充满液体时,慢慢打开隔离阀,直到完全打开。泵泵含空气的液体时,最好定期排气。要排空泵,请在操作过程中松开泵头上的排气螺钉。CDLF立式多级离心泵的维护、启停频率:CDLF立式不锈钢多级离心泵的维护:1。在立式多级离心泵开始工作之前,必须查明泵没有电源,泵不能突然启动。2.轻型多级离心泵的轴承和轴封无需维护。如果长时间不需要排空泵,可以取下一个联轴器保护板,在泵头和联轴器之间的轴上注入几滴硅油。这样,可以防止轴的密封面粘连。3.安装联轴器护罩时,注意它们在泵头槽口中的垂直对准。CDLF立式不锈钢多级离心泵电机轴承:4。没有润滑喷嘴的电机不需要维护。带润滑喷嘴的电机应使用高温锂基润滑脂润滑。5.如果ZILMET轻型多级离心泵长期悬挂,建议泵和电机一旦搁置,就进行清洗和润滑。6.当泵在霜冻期间被搁置时,水应该被排出以防止损坏和破裂。拧下泵头上的排气螺钉,取下底座上的放油塞,这样就可以将泵排空。排水后,应将卸载的零件重新安装到位或妥善保管。上海钛龙CDLF立式不锈钢多级离心泵的启停频率:功率小于4KW的电机,启动频率不得超过每小时100次。其他电机的启动速度不得超过每小时20次。上海龙亚泵阀品牌服务承诺:在质量保证期内对缺陷产品进行修理、更换和退货;所有质量投诉应在24小时内得到答复。应派遣服务人员离开现场,不排除故障或做出结论。本厂生产的配件均为原装配件。我厂生产的产品及配件具有通用性,与原厂型号兼容。如有安装尺寸和质量问题,我们将无条件退换,所有设备终身服务!(整机保修一年,易损件除外)。全国各地区售后部门联系方式:400-001-5655。
Application of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump and analysis of the reason for excessive power consumption
Model: CDLF; flow rate: 1-22 (m3/h); flow rate: (l/s); lift: 6-232 (m); application field: Shanghai titanon CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump is manufactured by advanced technology. The varm CDLF series stainless steel vertical multistage centrifugal pump produced by Shanghai Longya pump valve is a non self-priming centrifugal pump. It is improved by QDL (qdlf), and the mechanical seal structure is optimized. A new independent structure is adopted, which can transfer all kinds of media in tap water to industrial liquid body, which is suitable for different temperature, flow and pressure range. Its biggest advantage is advanced hydraulic model design, high efficiency and energy saving. The impeller, casing and main accessories in the pump are all made of stainless steel, and the flow path is very smooth. The bearing shells and sleeves are made of cemented carbide, which has a long service life and avoids secondary pollution. The shaft seal is wear-resistant mechanical seal, without leakage. Y2 lead shell, imported bearing, insulation grade F is adopted for the motor. The pump is stable in operation, low in noise, reliable in quality, beautiful in appearance, small in volume, light in weight and convenient in transportation. It is an ideal green and environmental protection energy-saving pump. The demonstration significance of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump: the product characteristics of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump: 1. The CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump adopts excellent hydraulic model and advanced manufacturing technology, which greatly improves the performance and service life of the pump. 2. because the shaft seal of CDLF multistage centrifugal pump is made of cemented carbide and fluororubber, the reliability of pump operation and the temperature of the conveying medium can be improved. 3. The overflow part of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump is made of stainless steel plate stamping welding, which is suitable for mild corrosion medium. 4. The CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump has compact structure, small volume, light weight, low noise, remarkable energy saving effect and convenient maintenance. 5. The inlet and outlet of CDLF centrifugal pump is located on the same horizontal line of pump base, and can be directly used in the pipeline. 6. Zilmet CDLF multi-stage centrifugal pump adopts standard motor, and the user can easily equip the motor according to the needs. 7. intelligent protector can be equipped according to the needs of users, effectively protecting the pump from idling, phase shortage and overload. The operation conditions of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump: thin, clean, non combustible, explosive liquid without solid particles or fibers. Liquid temperature: normal temperature type - 15 ℃ to +70 ℃; hot water type +70 ℃ to +120 ℃; environment temperature: maximum +40 ℃; altitude: up to 1000m. The performance range of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump: flow: 1-22 m3/h; head: 6-232 m; power: 0.37-15kw; speed: 2900 rpm; diameter: φ 25- φ 50; temperature range: 15 ℃ - +120 ℃; application of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump: water supply: water plant filtration and transportation, water plant partition water supply, main pipe pressure, high-rise building pressure. Industrial pressure: process water system, cleaning system, high pressure flushing system and fire fighting system. Industrial liquid transportation: refrigeration air conditioning system, boiler water supply and condensation system, machine tool supporting, acid-base medium transportation. Water treatment: ultrafiltration system, reverse osmosis system, distillation system, separator, swimming pool water treatment system. Irrigation: farmland irrigation, spray irrigation, drip irrigation. Model spectrum of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump: installation of vertical multi-stage centrifugal pump of illon CDLF: 1. CDLF vertical stainless steel multistage centrifugal pump shall be installed vertically on the ground, and enough cold air shall be installed to enter the motor cooling fan. The arrow at the bottom of the pump indicates the direction of filling through the pump. 2. in order to minimize the noise that may be generated by the pump, it is better to install anti vibration clamps on both sides of the pump and between the foundation and the pump body. Butt flange, washer, bolt and pje pool are supplied as auxiliary parts and must be ordered separately. When cleaning, repairing or replacing the pump is required, isolation valves shall be installed on both sides of the pump to prevent drainage of the system. The installation pipeline of multistage centrifugal pump shall avoid air blockage, especially on the suction side of the pump. The piping shall be installed so that any tension caused by temperature changes does not affect the pump. If the pump is installed on long pipes, it shall be properly supported at the front and back of the drawings. 3. if the multistage centrifugal pump is blocked by stones, leaves, twigs and other trees. Measures should be taken to prevent such things from happening. Install the screen on the suction pipe. 4. in some installation cases, the drain pipe has been installed horizontally or tilted downward by the pump, so the water in the pump will or must flow out regularly, and the pump shall be protected from idling the impeller. This can be avoided by installing a bad pipe with a vacuum valve near the pump. The highest point of the circuit shall be at least flush with the connecting plate of the pump motor. In this way, the drain can be drained from the pump alone and vice versa. 5. when the drain valve is closed, it is forbidden to operate the pump because it will cause temperature rise / steam formation in the pump, which will cause damage to the pump. If there is any danger to the operation of the pump when the drain chamber is closed, connect it to the outlet with a bypass or drain to ensure that the minimum amount of liquid flows through the pump. For example, the drain can be connected to the water tank. 6. minimum number of Walem CDL and CDLF light multistage pumps. Example of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump: typical high pressure flushing system diagram example. This installation method shown in the figure is used in cases where "minimum flow" through the pump cannot be guaranteed. 1. the flow switch of light multistage centrifugal pump will protect the pump from high heat damage when the flow is too small. 2. in the device of transporting slightly polluted water, a filter screen of light multistage centrifugal pump is installed to protect the liquid flow switch. Note: the above measures are unnecessary in the device with stable liquid flow and minimum flow. In equipment with water hammer danger, check valve must be installed at the outlet of pump. Do not use quick closing valves, such as quick closing of the gun, as this spray gun will cause water hammer. The connection between motor and pump shaft is affected, and the pump shaft will break when serious. Electrical connection of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump: 1. The power must be turned off before opening the terminal box cover and removing any pump components. Electrical connections must be made by qualified electricians in accordance with local regulations. The motor junction box must be connected correctly to the power switch. The working voltage and frequency are indicated on the nameplate. Note that the power supply used shall be suitable for the motor. The three-phase motor must be connected to the starter with protection only. 2. the junction box of light multi-stage centrifugal pump can turn 90 ° in turn and stop at four positions. If necessary, use a screwdriver to remove the coupling guard, but do not remove the coupling. Remove the bolts that secure the motor to the pump. Turn the motor to the desired position. Install the bolts and tighten them. Refit the coupling guard so that it is perpendicular to the center of the pump head notch. Electrical connections shall be made according to the wiring diagrams in the terminal box cover. Note: do not start a light multistage centrifugal pump until it is filled with liquid. CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump start: 1. When the liquid level of light multistage centrifugal pump is higher than that of closed system or open system at the pump inlet: 1. Close the drain isolation valve and screw off the exhaust screw on the pump head. 2. please pay attention to the direction of exhaust port, and ensure that the water flowing out will not harm or damage the motor or other parts. In hot water installation, special attention should be paid to the scald risk caused by hot water. 3. slowly open the isolation valve on the suction pipe until the stable air flow flows out of the exhaust valve. 4. when starting the light multistage centrifugal pump, tighten the exhaust screw and fully open the isolation valve. 2. when the liquid level of light multistage centrifugal pump is lower than that of the pump inlet open system: 1. Before starting the pump, the suction pipes and pumps must be filled with liquid and drained. 2.CDL2,4(CDLF2,4,8,16) 3。 Close the drain isolation valve. As shown in Figure 7, turn the bypass valve slightly against the stop. 4. remove the filler plug, fill the liquid from the filler until the suction pipe and pump are fully filled with liquid, and then retighten the bypass valve. 5. when starting the light multi-stage centrifugal pump, replace the filling plug and tighten it. 3. check the rotation direction when starting the light multistage centrifugal pump: 1. Do not start the pump to check the direction of rotation until the light multistage centrifugal pump is filled with liquid. 2. when checking the motor running direction, the coupling shall not be disassembled for inspection. Because when the coupling is removed, the position of the shaft needs to be adjusted. The correct direction of rotation is indicated by the arrow on the pump head or motor fan cover. From the fan, the light multistage centrifugal pump should be turned counter clockwise. 4. start of light vertical multistage pump: 1. Before starting the light multistage centrifugal pump, the isolation valve on the suction side of the pump shall be fully opened, and the isolation valve on the discharge side shall be almost closed. 2. when starting the light multistage centrifugal pump, the pump shall be discharged by unscrewing the exhaust screw on the pump head until the stable liquid flow flows out of the exhaust hole, and then tighten the exhaust screw. Pay attention to the direction of the exhaust hole to ensure that the flowing liquid will not harm or damage the motor or other parts to the person. In hot water installation, special attention should be paid to the scald risk caused by hot water. When the piping system is filled with liquid, slowly open the isolation valve until it is fully open. When the pump contains air liquid, it is better to exhaust regularly. To drain the pump, loosen the exhaust screw on the pump head during operation. Maintenance and start-up frequency of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump: maintenance of CDLF vertical stainless steel multistage centrifugal pump: 1. Before the vertical multistage centrifugal pump starts to work, it must be found that the pump has no power supply and the pump cannot start suddenly. 2. the bearing and shaft seal of light multi-stage centrifugal pump need not be maintained. If the pump does not need to be drained for a long time, a coupling protection plate can be removed and a few drops of silicone oil can be injected into the shaft between the pump head and the coupling. This prevents the sealing surface of the shaft from sticking. 3. when installing coupling guard, pay attention to their vertical alignment in the pump head slot. Motor bearing of CDLF vertical stainless steel multistage centrifugal pump: 4. Motors without lubrication nozzles do not need maintenance. Motors with lubricating nozzles shall be lubricated with high temperature lithium grease. 5. if zilmet light multi-stage centrifugal pump is suspended for a long time, it is recommended that the pump and motor should be cleaned and lubricated once they are put into use. 6. when the pump is put in use during frost, water should be discharged to prevent damage and rupture. Remove the drain plug on the base by unscrewing the exhaust screw on the pump head, so that the pump can be drained. After drainage, the unloaded parts shall be reinstalled in place or properly kept. Start and stop frequency of Shanghai titanon CDLF vertical stainless steel multistage centrifugal pump: motor with power less than 4kw, and starting frequency shall not exceed 100 times per hour. Other motors shall not be started at a speed of more than 20 times per hour. Shanghai Longya pump valve brand service commitment: repair, replace and return the defective products within the warranty period; all quality complaints should be answered within 24 hours. Service personnel shall be dispatched to leave the site without troubleshooting or making conclusions. The accessories produced by our factory are original ones. Our products and accessories are universal and compatible with the original model. If there are installation size and quality problems, we will return unconditionally, all equipment life-long service! (the whole machine is guaranteed for one year, except for wearing parts). Contact information of after sales departments in various regions of the country: 400-001-5655.
Well, the above is the introduction of the application of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump. Next, let's talk about several main reasons for the excessive power consumption of CDLF pump:
What is the reason why the water pump consumes too much electricity? The analysis mainly includes the following six points: 1) the total head does not match the pump head; 2) the density and viscosity of the medium are inconsistent with the original design; 3) the pump shaft is inconsistent with or bent with the original motor axis; 4) friction exists between the rotating part and the fixed part; 5) the impeller mouth ring is worn; 6) the seal or mechanical seal is not installed properly. OK, the above is the application of CDLF vertical multistage centrifugal pump. Please contact Shanghai Longya multi-stage centrifugal pump operator for more introduction and price.
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